HCFO-1224yd (Z)


HCFO-1224yd (Z) is sold from AGC under the name of AMOREA1224yd. It is a refrigerant which uses a turbo-type refrigerator, a binary generator, a heat recovery heat pump, etc. The ozone fracture coefficient (ODP) is almost zero, and the global warming coefficient (GWP) is extremely low, such as 1 or less, and is extremely small in impact on the global environment. The refrigerant performance is also superior to the conventional refrigerant HFC-245fa and HCFC-123 as well as energy-saving properties. In addition, heat and chemical stability are high, and the effect of the metal, the resin, and the elastomer is small, and the handling is easy refrigerant.

Refrigerant number
HFO-1224yd (Z)
Name(Z)-1-Chloro2, 3, 3, 3,-Tetrafluoropropene
Tetrafluoropro Pane
CategoryHCFO (Hydrochlorofluoroolefin)
Molecular structure
GWP< 1
SafetyIs considered a A1