最新情報 新着情報のトップです。 代表的な次世代候補冷媒の概要 続きを読む Honeywell and Sanhua to work on commercialising AC with non-flammable HFO 続きを読む The 18th EC paper 3-3_冷凍システム効率化の2つの方法 続きを読む The 18th EC paper 2-3_冷蔵タイプ自販機への自然冷媒の利用 続きを読む The 18th EC paper 1-3_業務用冷凍冷蔵機器への低GWP-A2L-冷媒の実用的な搭載 続きを読む The European Union continues to lead global fight against climate change 続きを読む Recent Trends of Refrigerants for Mid-and Low-temp Equipment 続きを読む 7-Eleven and Honeywell Collaborate to Reduce Carbon Footprint with Solstice® N40 at Stores in the United States and Canada 続きを読む Midea opts for Honeywell’s A1 aircon refrigerant R466A 続きを読む The Long-term Strategy under the Paris Agreement 続きを読む← 前へ 1 … 3 4 5 次へ →
7-Eleven and Honeywell Collaborate to Reduce Carbon Footprint with Solstice® N40 at Stores in the United States and Canada 続きを読む