国連工業開発機関(UNIDO)とSoğutma Sanayii İş Adamları Derneği (SOSİAD) – 冷凍産業事業家協会 – は、「トルコ共和国における低地球温暖化(GWP)冷媒促進のための実証及び試験的活動」というプロジェクトを共同で実施する契約に署名した。地球環境ファシリティ(GEF)との合意によりトルコ政府から要請されたこのプロジェクトは、ハイドロクロロフルオロカーボン(HCFC)冷媒R22を使用した新品機器の輸入及び設置の禁止に取り組むものである。
Turkey Starts Project Designed to Encourage Low-GWP Refrigerants
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Soğutma Sanayii İş Adamları Derneği (SOSİAD) – Turkish association of refrigeration industry and businessmen – signed a contract to jointly carry out the project titled ‘Demonstration and Pilot Activities for Encouraging Low-Global Warming Potential (GWP) Refrigerants in the Republic of Turkey’. Requested by the Turkish government in agreement with the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the project is committed to imposing bans on the import and installation of new systems containing hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerant R22.
The aim of the project is to raise awareness and encourage the use of low-GWP refrigerants in Turkey. This has been done by organizing a demonstration of a successful con- version of an existing plant and the installation of new non-HCFC technology. The outcomes of the project will come as a result of an integrated concept of addressing several demonstration areas such as reaching market stakeholders in the refrigeration sector. Mainly, it is anticipated to achieve greater awareness of HCFC-22 alternatives and further engagement with the service sector stakeholders.
In addition, pre-assessment of the energy efficiency of existing systems has been performed. A conversion of an existing system to low-GWP alternatives as well as monitoring and lifecycle climate performance (LCCP) of the converted system have also been included. During such activities, it is expected to provide evidence of the benefits of leapfrogging hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and the advantages of non-HFC alternatives/ natural refrigerants. The monitored and analyzed data are being made available to refrigeration suppliers, end-users, and other interested parties. Another outcome is also the distribution of technical information and case studies on the advantages of alternative technology.
Three pilot demonstration activities took place within the scope of the project. Pilot 1 focused on CO2 (R744)/ammonia (R717) installation compared with the use of R717 in Izmir. Pilot 2 was R448A/R452A/ propane (R290) conversion of discount supermarkets, R22 to hydrocarbon (HC)/hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) conversion. Three activities within the framework of Pilot 2 took place in Istanbul and involved retail chain end-users. Pilot 3 took place in Ankara and focused on R123/R1233zd chiller comparison.
出典: | eJARN![]() |